Welcome to our child abuse webpage. We are a team of three girls involved in a project titled " child abuse " , an entry to a PBL competition in conjunction of MELTA . The goal of this project is to educate people and break this cycle of violence. Child abuse and neglect have a long-lasting impact on the child, their family and the following generations. Our group has chosen this project as we find this is an issue that is plaguing people around the world for a long time and a concrete solution has not been found. We are making an effort to put a stop to this in our generation. We hope to dive deep into this topic and do the best we can to change the society. 💪💪 Articles related to recent abuse cases # Help is at hand for women and children in distress # Two childcare centre workers arrested over suspected child abuse cases What is the scale of the problem in Malaysia? Child abuse occur everywhere including Malaysia, however it...