Child abuse or child maltreatment is physical, sexual, and or psychological maltreatment or neglect of a child or children, especially by a parent or a caregiver. Child abuse may include any act or failure to act by a parent or a caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child and can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools, or communities the child interacts.

The terms child abuse and child maltreatment are often used interchangeably, although some researchers make a distinction between them, treating child maltreatment as an umbrella term to cover neglect, exploitation, and trafficking.😔

Different jurisdictions have developed their own stance towards mandatory reporting, different definitions of what constitutes child abuse to remove children from their families or for prosecuting a criminal charge.


1. Raise awareness and educate people so that this cycle of  violence is stopped from being passed down from generation to generation

2. Increase community education and awareness about child abuse, including strategies for prevention, intervention.

3. Increase community coordination and communication pertaining to child abuse issues.

4. Help children who are victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or psychological maltreatment by educating the community.

5. Work with others in the community to advocate for children’s rights

6. Our mission is to enable maturation of skills needed to establish   effective and sustainable Community partnerships that create a healthy community response to Child abuse.


1.   From this project, we can create awareness among community about different forms of child abuse as well as the size, causes, and complications of this problem in our society and determine the prevalence of physical child abuse.💪

2.   Help needy children to live safely and with supportive families and communities so that this cycle of violence is stopped from being passed down. 👌

3.  Our mission is to advance recognition, treatment and prevention of health effects of violence, abuse and neglect within the healthcare system and community on children. 👍


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